The acronym “ADR” has been used by different dispute resolution professionals to mean different things:
At InnovADR, “ADR” stands for “Appropriate Dispute Resolution”. We believe that it is possible to combine different processes as needed, taking care to respect the role and function of each ADR Neutral appointed. This approach focuses on the procedural needs and interests of the disputants using our 7 Key Drivers, and encompasses many more ways of resolving disputes (including adjudicative as well as non-adjudicative processes, as may be needed), which enables the parties to have more flexible as well as faster, cheaper and better access to justice.”
An informal process where
parties attempt to resolve disputes
by themselves.
A non-evaluative process where
a neutral third party (mediator)
helps disputants find a mutually
acceptable solution.
Similar to mediation, but may
involve more active advice, evaluative input or settlement proposals
from the conciliator.
An evaluative process, where an expert is asked to give an opinion that may be binding on a specific topic
A more formal process where
a neutral third party (arbitrator)
makes a binding decision on
the dispute.
At InnovADR the term “ADR” also encompasses mixed-mode processes, combining different dispute resolution processes to achieve more efficient, cost-effective, and satisfactory outcomes that are tailored to the specific needs of each case. This approach is influenced by the concept of “Guided Choice” dispute resolution, whereby dispute resolution professions should first try understand each disputant’s procedural needs and interests first, provide a diagnosis based on defined key drivers, and design an appropriate process that meets all of the disputants’ procedural needs based on these key drivers (e.g., time and cost to reaching an outcome, and relationships, and other considerations). This approach is particularly important in international disputes, where national court proceedings may not be enforceable abroad and parties from different legal cultures may have different cultural approaches to resolving disputes.
InnovADR’s goal is to help all the parties to consider their procedural needs and interests using 7 key drivers to reach faster, cheaper and better outcomes. We believe this is possible in over 80% of disputes based on the following metrics:
The duration of a commercial will usually vary significantly depending on a variety of factors. These include the complexity of the case, the jurisdiction, the efficiency of the legal system and the rules of procedure that apply, and the tribunal’s existing workload. Here are some general points to consider:
In general, a commercial dispute in a court or in arbitration proceedings can take anywhere from 1-5 years to resolve. InnovADR’s goal is to help the parties’ resolve their disputes within less than 3-6 months.
FASTER: By way of comparison, the World Bank provides the following examples and estimated number of days for resolving a domestic commercial case valued at several hundred thousand dollars:
The cost of resolving a commercial dispute in a commercial court or through an arbitral tribunal varies widely and depends on several factors. Some factors to consider are:
Arbitration is often perceived as more expensive due to higher tribunal fees. The arbitrators’ fees are paid by the disputants and as well as the costs of any administering arbitration institution. The facilities/location of any hearings also need to be paid for, as well as stenographers, party break-out rooms, arbitrators’ rooms, etc. Arbitration, however, can be quicker than court proceedings, which may reduce overall expenses in some cases. There can also be significant differences in costs between “civil law” countries (e.g., France, Italy, China, Japan and Switzerland) and “common law” countries (e.g., Australia, Ireland, United Kingdom, USA, Singapore) proceedings. Some of these differences are due to the following:
Differences in Costs Between Civil Law and Common Law Proceedings
The actual costs of commercial litigation or arbitration proceedings can range from tens of thousands to millions of US dollars, depending on these factors and others. It is important for parties involved in such disputes to obtain cost and time estimates from experienced professionals in either commercial court litigation or arbitration, and in the relevant legal system (civil or common law) before resorting to adjudicative processes.
CHEAPER: By way of comparison, the World Bank provides the following examples and estimated percentages of the value of a dispute for resolving a domestic commercial case valued at several hundred thousand dollars:
InnovADR is a services provider and an online platform dedicated to facilitating amicable dispute resolution processes. It assists disputants in diagnosing, designing, implementing and even (if needed) financing their disputes on a “no settlement, no fee” basis.
InnovADR’s ADR Facilitation and Investment Agreement is a framework agreement for guiding the resolution of disputes. It suggests the roles, responsibilities, and procedures for the parties involved, emphasizing efficiency and fairness in dispute resolution.
InnovADR’s advisory services include conflict diagnosis and process design. It can also assist in implementing ADR processes, including for the appointment of suitable ADR neutrals given the particularities of each case and to set up “mixed mode” ADR processes, if needed (e.g., combining mediation with arbitration or mediation and conciliation). Key features include our independence, commitment to confidentiality and discretion, personalized dispute resolution processes, and a focus on amicable settlements that are tailored to a broad range of needs (including the need to maintain good relationships). InnovADR also provides expert neutrals for mediation, conciliation, or arbitration. It boasts a high settlement rate and deep experience in the field, with over 80% of cases settling in less than six months in more than 400 cases. This leads to substantial savings for clients, often over two-thirds of predicted litigation expenses. The savings are achieved through InnovADR’s efficient process design and its focus on amicable dispute resolution.
InnovADR’s Confidentiality & Security Policy ensures that all information provided on its platform is treated with the utmost care and discretion. Its systems comply with GDPR, Swiss Data Protection laws and other relevant data protection laws, using secure AWS infrastructure in Zurich, Switzerland to store all data on its platform.
Our services are available to any parties involved in disputes seeking an efficient, confidential, and rapid resolution. This includes individuals, businesses, and legal professionals. While some of our advisory work (e..g., diagnosing or designing ADR proceedings) may be done at the request of one party, we always provide solutions that should work for all disputants, regardless of who is paying us. Our “no settlement, no fee” financing option, if chosen, can be initiated by one party, but subject to it being accepted by all of the parties, or their reaching an agreement regarding its adoption.
Our advisory services (e.g., diagnosing, designising or implementing) ADR processes may involve a fee, based on time spent and subject to a cap on fees to ensure adequate savings for the client in each case. We discuss and agree to our fees upfront, which may include a success fee bonus, if appropriate. Our ADR financing service operates on a “no settlement, no fee” basis, meaning the fees in this case are contingent on successfully reaching a settlement. Specific fee structures are outlined in the ADR Facilitation and Investment Agreement in such cases. An Administrative Fee of USD 1’000 is charged when an agreement is first signed.
InnovADR is equipped to handle a wide range of disputes, though the specifics can be determined through consultation and an assessment of the dispute’s nature and complexity. We have been involved in a broad range of cases including family disputes, inheritances, trusts, estates, corporate disputes, family business disputes, family offfices, intellectual property disputes, construction disputes, engineering disputes, sports disputes, intellectual property disputes, investor-state disputes, etc.
InnovADR does not act to benefit one disputant at the destriment of another. Our diagnostic, design, implementation and financing services are all provided to the disputants in the same way, whether they are initially financed or requested by one party, some of the parties, or by all of the parties collectively. InnovADR does not provide ADR neutrals, but helps the parties to appoint experienced and appropriate dispute resolution professionals for each cae, who are capable of providing the type of ADR process(es) requires and who are paid in such a way as to ensure there will be no bias or conflict of interest with respect to their appointment. Any solution remains the decision of the parties.
Parties can initiate the process by registering on InnovADR’s online platform as a Requesting Party, Anonymous Person, or Responding Party and providing relevant details about their dispute. InnovADR can also initiate a process as a Non-Essential Party based on published information or if asked to do so. InnovADR then assesses and guides the parties to determine the appropriate resolution process. Finally, anyone can initiate a request for services by writing to
Yes, feedback is welcomed. Users can contact InnovADR via their official communication channels for any feedback, concerns, or complaints.
InnovADR has a cap on the costs of any services it offers to ensure it is proportional and likely to save clients considerable fees. This includes a 1/3 cap as compared to the costs of going to trial, including the fees of any ADR neutrals, institutions, experts and counsel, up to a specified maximum amount. This cap is determined per case. In addition, if its financing services are used, InnovADR covers the ADR neutral(s) fees for a fixed capped amount (maximum 1/3 of the anticipated costs of going to trial, as assessed by all of the disputants per matter), irrespective of the value of the dispute or the settlement’s outcome.
InnovADR’s success fee is contingent on the case settling within eighteen months (usually within 3-6 months). For our advisory services (diagnosing or designining) or our implementation services (helping to appoint neutrals or put an appropriate process into effect) it is based on time subject to a cap, and can be based on a pre-agreed fee and a possible success fee. For our financing services, it is capped to 1/3 of multiple of the capped amount, usually ranging between 4-10 times, and is capped at less than 33% of the estimated litigation or arbitration fees. This fee structure is intended to generate significant savings for all parties involved. Our success fees are fundamentally designed to align our interests with those of all of the disputants. No success fee is due if there is no mutually satisfactory outcome for all of the parties involved. This is one of the ways in which InnovADR distinguishes itself as an independent and impartial services provided.
InnovADR’s process design aims for a speedy resolution — within 3-6 months, depending on the parties’ collective needs. This can entail helping a preliminary settlement being reached and then helping the parties to implement it, but in that case, as a joint advisor working for the benefit of all of the parties. Our key objective is to increase cost-efficiency and reduce the time to outcome. Of the over 400 cases we have helped settle to date, we have done so in less than 6 months (with rare exceptions) and settlement rates well in excess of 80%. This is part of InnovADR’s commitment to efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
InnovADR’s process design is underpinned by seven critical factors, collectively known as the “7 Key Drivers.” These drivers are essential in guiding the approach and ensuring effective dispute resolution:
By integrating these key drivers, InnovADR provides a holistic and efficient approach to dispute resolution, tailored to meet the unique needs of each case while aligning with broader objectives like ESG (Environ-mental, Social, and Governance) and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
InnovADR’s approach to dispute resolution and the way it provides its services are closely aligned with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) objectives and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here’s how:
InnovADR’s supports green pledges and adherence to ESG principles and alignment with specific SDGs. It is committed to contributing positively to societal and environmental goals while helping to maintain robust governance standards.